The series of shock-resistant pressure gauges have good anti-vibration performance and are especially suitable for places with severe environmental vibrations. They can withstand the pulsation, impact and sudden unloading of the medium. The shock-resistant pressure gauge can measure the pressure of liquids, gases, steam and other media that have no explosion hazard, no crystals, no solidification, and no corrosive effect on copper alloys.
1. Technical parameters:
. Instrument implementation standards: /
. Seismic pressure gauge model indication:
Structural form
Accuracy (%)< br/> Pressure range
Operating environment conditions
Axial boundless
=> .
=> ~.&~.&~.
~. &~.&~.
=> The ambient temperature is:
~℃ ~℃.
The vibration frequency of the working environment
is not greater than, and the amplitude is not greater than
Radial without edge
Radial with rear edge
Axial edgeless
Axial edge with front edge
Radial edgeless
=> .
=> ~.&~.&~ .
Radial band Rear edge
Axial edgeless
Axial edge with front edge
Radial edgeless
Radial edge with rear edge
Axial edgeless
Axial edge with front edge
2. Dimensions of shock-resistant pressure gauge:
=> Model
c=> Overall dimensions
=> & .
=> &.
< br/>
=> &.
.< br/>
MY-YN-60/100/150 series shock-resistant pressure gauge